
Hello! I’m Max – a Lead Product Designer with over a 8 years of hands-on experience specalised in User-Centered, Product and Visual Design. 

More about me

With over 8 years of experience in UX and Visual design for Apps and Websites, I’ve established myself as a seasoned product design leader. My journey is driven by a deep love for innovation, constantly pushing boundaries, and crafting interfaces that resonate with users. I approach every project with a commitment to empathy, immersing myself in the user’s perspective to ensure that the end product not only meets their needs but exceeds their expectations. I firmly believe that compelling narratives lie at the heart of exceptional product design, and I make it a point to infuse each project with a captivating story that engages users on a profound level.

I thrive on leading from the front and being actively involved in every step of the design process. This hands-on approach allows me to maintain a high standard of quality and precision. 

My career is not just about creating exceptional products; it’s about nurturing the growth of designers and contributing to the ever-evolving landscape of user-centered design.

My experience

Lead Product Designer

2021 - today

Freelance Product Designer

Various Projects

2018 - 2022

Creative Director


2016 - 2021

Business Development Manager

Image Insight

2014 - 2016

Business Ops


2011 - 2014


Designed in 2023

About the project

Codegree is an online learning platform designed for developers. They reached out to me to spruce up their outdated user interface and make the whole user experience better. They also wanted me to make their call-to-action elements work smoother.

My process

I started by digging into their current user experiences and understanding their users needs. I found some confusion points that needed fixing such as the main code task and dashboard.

Then, my goal was to add some excitement to the user journeys, which felt a bit dull. I did this by introducing subtle animations and colour to the page to brighten the visual tone.

As part of this project I also built out the foundations of a Design System. This was to ensure future designs were consistent and to speed up future design work.


We now have a platform with a clear, consistent, and enjoyable user journey. Users get a seamless and engaging experience, showcasing the platform’s fantastic transformation. Codegree also now benefit from foundation level design principles baked into these new patterns which will help them to keep up the visual language as they scale.


Designed in 2023

About the project

Fundmo is an exciting new startup diving into the world of peer-to-peer lending. They approached me to craft Fundmo’s brand identity and tackle the intricate task of designing the primary flows for lenders and borrowers.

My Process

I began with a deep dive into the peer-to-peer lending market. To truly grasp the challenges within this space, I engaged in user sessions, delving into the core issues users face. From there, I transitioned to wireframing the flows, progressing to a low-fidelity prototype. This prototype now serves as a guiding light for shaping future product decisions through rigorous user testing.


This product is still in development but early feedback from users is positive.

The Random Weather App

Designed in 2023

About the project

This project was a unique YouTube challenge initiated by the French YouTuber BastUI. I was tasked with creating a weather app that allowed users to explore weather conditions in random global locations, all while maintaining the intriguing glassmorphic design pattern.

My process

Since it was a concept project as part of a challenge, I dove right in, hunting down some awesome 3D graphics and sketching out a basic wireframe. Then, I got into the fun stuff – animations. I wanted a slick left-to-right slide animation with other elements smoothly floating in afterward.


In the end, my design came out on top, outshining the work of other designers in the challenge. You can watch the full challenge here 

Acryno To

Designed in 2022

About the project

Acryno To is a healthcare app designed to assist individuals in palliative care with tasks such as booking appointments, consulting with healthcare professionals, and recording their symptoms. The app seamlessly connects users with doctors and healthcare experts to ensure precise and tailored care. I was entrusted with the design of the mobile app and the introduction of a fresh design style.

My process

This app needed to strike a balance between user-friendliness and an aesthetically uplifting design. After I established a new brand style, logo, and colour palette, I began to map out the user journeys and nuances of this market.

Armed with these user journey maps, I began adding intricate details to the screens, rigorously testing them with users. A full clickable prototype of the app was created in Figma to help with user testing and validation.


At present, this project remains in the development phase, with further updates and developments on the horizon.


Designed in 2022

About the project

Leadr is a data capture platform empowering businesses to create and deploy their own forms. It’s predominantly utilized by event teams for gathering prospect client information. I was entrusted with the task of introducing a fresh design style and enhancing the overall user experience of the existing system.

My process

My initial step involved a thorough analysis of the existing components and screens. Many components were being recreated repeatedly, so my first focus was establishing a foundational design system. This not only expedited project delivery but also ensured design consistency.

I then delved into refining the ‘create form’ flows, incorporating user-friendly components. Once these flows were fine-tuned, I proceeded to user testing for validation.


User feedback was predominantly positive, though it did raise some temporary accessibility concerns, which we promptly addressed within our design system. The app now serves as a versatile, white-label solution, catering to numerous events across Europe.

Kernel Journal

Designed in 2021

About the project

Kernel Journal is an app used to help users understand their digestive health. Tracking the transit time, colour, and shape of your digestive movements can provide valuable insights into your overall digestive health. I was tasked with crafting the branding, enhancing the user experience, and refining the app’s journey.

My process

I began by delving deep into the realm of digestive health and recognising its significance. The concept behind the app is simple yet effective: users swallow a sweetcorn kernel and record the moment they spot it again, while also providing additional details about their digestive experience.

To ensure the app resonated with its primarily youthful audience, I infused it with a playful and approachable design style. Once this foundation was established, I meticulously designed the user experience, leaving no stone unturned. From there, I transitioned to refining the user interface, all while maintaining the app’s playful and user-friendly essence.


The end product is an app with a distinctive look and feel, offering an experience that empowers users to precisely track their digestive movements. We’re proud to have contributed to your journey towards better digestive health


Designed in 2021

About the project

Idaxis is a subscription management app designed to provide users with comprehensive insights into their monthly subscriptions. The primary objective of this project was to establish a brand identity and user interface that strikes a delicate balance between simplicity and engagement.

My process

I started by wireframing the app screens to create a seamless and intuitive experience. Through a series of iterative design phases, I refined this user journey to maximise simplicity and user-friendliness. Subsequently, I developed 4-5 prototype pages in Figma ready for user testing.


During interactions with users, I observed that the app proved to be both user-friendly and highly informative. Users reported ease of use and an improved understanding of their financial outgoings.

Various Concepts

A small collection of concept and visual design projects i’ve worked on over the years.